2006 gave us some technological discoveries & inventions. We have written a list of the top 5 inventions that were made in the year 2006

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Blu-ray Disc
Invented by – Blu-ray Disc Association
Blue ray dics is a data storage format for digital optical discs. It was created to replace the DVD format, and it can store several hours of high-definition video. Blu-ray is primarily used to distribute video content such as feature films and to physically distribute video games for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. The term "Blu-ray" refers to the blue laser (which is actually a violet laser) used to read the disc, which allows for more data density than the longer-wavelength red laser used for DVDs.
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Invented by – Nintendo
Nintendo unveiled the Wii, a new and creative game console, in September 2006. To compete with other popular gaming consoles like Sony's Playstation and Microsoft's Xbox, the Wii added a twist to gaming by allowing users to physically participate in their virtual games. With games ranging from tennis to Mario Kart, the Wii was a hit even among non-gamers, selling more than 101 million units.
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Tesla Roadster
Invented by – Tesla Motors
The Roadster was introduced in 2006, only three years after the firm was founded. The Tesla Roadster is a battery electric vehicle (BEV) sports car manufactured by Tesla Motors. It is based on the Lotus Elise chassis. It could go from 0 to 60 in 3.7 seconds and travel 245 miles on a single charge, however that number would drop quickly if you were making a lot of 0-60 pulls. It won Time's "Best Inventions 2006�Transportation Invention" award in December 2006, and was featured in the magazine.
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Solar skin
Invented by – HelioVolt
HelioVolt came up with the idea for Solar Skin in 2006. It did not invent copper indium gallium selenide, a thin film that generates energy from sunlight, but it did develop a faster, more cost-effective method of producing it for use in big commercial settings. The new method entails printing a thin coating of semiconductor directly onto glass, metal, and other construction elements, allowing new skyscrapers to be solar-ready from the start.
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Eat Your Coffee
Invented by – Ferran Adri�
Ferran Adria popularised the concept of "eat your coffee" in 2006. Ferran Adri�, a Spanish chef, is known for fiddling with food at the molecular level to create wonders such as liquid ravioli and frozen Parmesan air. His most recent culinary creation: �spesso, or solid espresso. It's prepared by blending ordinary espresso with sugar and a secret ingredient, then squirting it like whipped cream from a canister. It is eaten with a spoon. The mousse-like delicacy debuted in September in the United States and comes in espresso, cappuccino, and macchiato flavours.
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