1972 gave us some technological discoveries & inventions. We have written a list of the top 5 inventions that were made in the year 1972

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LED Digital wristwatch

Invented by – George W. Theiss

The Hamilton Pulsar P1 Limited Edition digital wristwatch was introduced in the 1970s. This was created by George W. Theiss, who is credited with creating the first commercial digital watch. The time was displayed on an LCD panel on the Pulsar P1. The backdrop used to be ruby red. Back then, this watch cost $2,100, which is a significant difference from the prices of watches nowadays. Watches did not begin to cost around $20 until 1977. With the introduction of digital watches, a new era of digital timepieces has begun. They're sleek, sporty, and occasionally opulent.

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Video game console

Invented by – Ralph H. Baer

Ralph Henry Baer was an inventor, game creator, and engineer who was born in Germany. Around 1966, he came up with the notion of playing games on a television screen, which he launched in 1972. He laboured through various prototypes with the help of his employers until he arrived at a "Brown Box" that would later become the blueprint for the first home video gaming system, the Magnavox Odyssey, which was licenced by Magnavox. Baer went on to build a number of other consoles and computer game devices, including the Simon electronic game, which he helped design. It was Sanders' most profitable product for a time, selling over 340,000 copies, despite the fact that many in the firm despised game development.

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Global Positioning System (GPS)

Invented by – Bradford Parkinson and collegues

Bradford Parkinson created the Global Positioning Technology (GPS) in 1972, a locational and navigational system that allows users to pinpoint their exact location. The Global Positioning System (GPS), formerly known as Navstar GPS, is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the US government and maintained by the US Space Force. It is one of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) that transmits geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where four or more GPS satellites have an unobstructed line of sight. Mountains and buildings, for example, can obstruct the comparatively weak GPS signals.

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PET scanner

Invented by – Edward J. Hoffman and Michael Phelps

PET, a molecular imaging technology that employs a PET scanner and a radiolabeled probe to deliver molecular imaging diagnostics of disease biology, was invented by Phelps in the early 1970s. With Edward Hoffman, Phelps created the first PET scanner. PET scans are imaging tests that can reveal the metabolic and biochemical function of your tissues and organs. A radioactive substance (tracer) is used in the PET scan to show both normal and abnormal metabolic activity.

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Invented by – Dr. Raymond Damadian

Raymond Vahan Damadian is an American physician and developer of the first MR (Magnetic Resonance) Scanning Machine. In 1972, he founded the machined. Damadian's studies on sodium and potassium in living cells led to his initial nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, which led to the invention of the MR body scanner. In 1977, Damadian became the first person to do a whole body scan on a human to identify cancer. Damadian developed an apparatus and method for scanning the human body with NMR safely and accurately, which is today known as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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